Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Call for Nominations - IAMSE Board of Directors

Dear Members of IAMSE,

It's time once again to begin thinking about selection of those to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). This is the governing body that determines the direction of IAMSE and all our various programs and activities. Each spring five of the Director positions become subject to election.

This message is a call to our membership for those who wish to be considered by the Nominating Committee as potential candidates. The formal "job descriptions" for IAMSE Director and Officers are posted at

The position of Director is an important responsibility. During the 3-year term of service, each is expected to be an advocate for the organization and to bring fresh ideas to IAMSE. In addition, each Director will be in charge of an IAMSE-sponsored project.

Board meetings are held via conference call every two months, and additional business may be conducted through e-mail.

If this opportunity to expand your influence in medical education while advancing the work of IAMSE fits your personal career goals, then I invite you to submit your nomination for "Board of Director.” To submit your self-nomination, please write a paragraph limited to 300 words, that includes a response to the following three questions:

* Your teaching activities over the last five years
* Your involvement in IAMSE activities since the first meeting in 1993
* Why you wish to be a Board member or Officer, or your goals for the organization

If you wish to nominate another individual, please submit their name, contact information and a statement as to why you feel they should be nominated.

Deadline for submission: February 15, 2010

Please submit these materials to:
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