Monday, November 28, 2011

Election of New IAMSE Board Officers

Dear IAMSE Members:

I hope your holiday season is off to a good start. We are blessed at IAMSE to have a fine group of leaders who are willing to donate their time and energy to move our organization forward. After an open nominations process, our Board of Directors has elected new officers for two year terms, beginning January 2012. They all bring a wealth of experience as Board members and committee chairs. Please support our new leadership as they continue to help IAMSE’s fostering excellence to the teaching of sciences basic to the health professions.

I would like to thank the exiting Executive Committee for its exemplary leadership and vision during the past two years. In particular, I would like to thank Pat Finnerty, whose guidance as Past President has been invaluable, and to Kitty McMahon, who is retiring after a distinguished career as a medical educator next year. You will be missed, but we will look forward to benefiting from your wisdom and educational excellence in the future!

Please make sure to sign up for the upcoming Jan-Feb Webinar on Interprofessional Education, and plan to attend the annual meeting in beautiful Portland Oregon in June 23-26, 2012.

New IAMSE officers

President—Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio USA
Vice President—Bruce Newton, University of Arkansas, Little Rock Arkansas, USA
Secretary—John Szarek, The Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton PA, USA
Treasurer—Veronica Michaelsen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA

Frazier Stevenson, M.D.
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
University of South Florida College of Medicine
President, International Assn. of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)