Monday, April 13, 2009

IAMSE Board of Director Election Results

Dear IAMSE members:

Thanks to all of you who voted in the recent IAMSE elections. Current Board members William Jeffries, Floyd Knoop, Susan Pasquale, and Ferhan Sagin were reelected to new three year terms, and you elected one Board newcomer--Amy Wilson-Delfosse from Case Western in Cleveland who has recently taken on leadership of our Membership Committee. Welcome, Amy, and congratulations to all who were elected. I also want to express my appreciation for the other candidates who agreed to be nominated for this important task, and hope they will try again. I hope that many of you will seek to become more involved in IAMSE leadership in the future. The best way to do so is to become visible and involved. Present a seminar at the annual meeting or volunteer for committee membership, and while you are there, take on a special project. We are a dynamic and inclusive organization that rewards involvement! I can speak from personal experience here, as I did not attend my first IAMSE meeting until 2002, but am now President of the organization.

The revisions to our Bylaws were approved with 97% approval. I will write you with more details on the implications for our committee structure soon, but the Board hopes that one important sequela will be improved integration of our various educational activities, so that a theme presented at our annual meeting might be followed up later in the year with a Web Seminar or JIAMSE feature article.

We are doing very well in registrations for our first European annual meeting this June-July in Leiden. The over 220 preregistrants are a record for annual meetings, and we are very appreciative to those of you who are making the sacrifice to attend a distant meeting in hard economic times. This should be an exciting chance to renew old connections and meet new educators in a lovely historic city. So start studying Dutch (see the IAMSE website for help), reading your maps, reviewing the works of Rembrandt and preparing for a wonderful cultural experience. I look forward to greeting you there!

Frazier Stevenson
President, IAMSE
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