Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Registration Available for the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Fall 2015 Series

Registration is now open for Webcast Audio Seminar Fall 2015 Series. Sessions start on Friday, August 28, 2015

Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education – Placing Faculty and Students in New Experiences for Teaching and Learning
The Fall IAMSE webinar series has been traditionally dedicated to highlighting the most current issues in health sciences education, newest and most innovative technological teaching applications, and cutting-edge curricular developments that are advancing teaching and learning in the health sciences. We will continue this tradition this year by focusing on programs that are changing roles of faculty from traditional “sage-on-the-stage” content deliverers to motivators, synthesizers, mentors, facilitators, and learning coaches; changing learning environments from the traditional classroom to more experiential clinical learning sites based in-part on health system needs, utilizing competencies and milestones to measure student learning and progress that foster a flexible progression through the curriculum and integrate basic science into the clerkships, developing curricula that focus on “student well-being and resiliency”, and modifying timelines for student progression to residency. We are planning to include several of the new “Accelerating Change in Medical Education” initiatives recently funded by the American Medical Association. The description of the individual sessions, with presenters and corresponding dates will be available soon. Please check the IAMSE website for these updates.
Sep 10
"Value Added Student Roles that Align Education and Health System Needs"
Jed Gonzalo
Sep 17
"A Developmental Pursuit of Foundational Scientific Knowledge"
Kim Lomis
Sep 24
"Closing the Gap Between Undergraduate Medical Education and Practice Realities of Today and Tomorrow"
Lotte N. Dyrbye
Oct 1
"An Accelerated Pathway to Produce 21st Century Primary Care Physicians"
Tonya Fancher & Mark Henderson
Oct 8
Educating Medical Students in a Clinical Environment Throughout the Entire Curriculum
Brenda Rogers

Starting Thursday September 10, 2015 12:00PM - 1:00PM EST
Ending Thursday October 8, 2015 12:00PM - 1:00PM EST

More Information
View Session Descriptions

View Series Details

For additional information or questions, please contact support@iamse.org

IAMSE WAS Committee