Monday, October 20, 2014

IAMSE Call for Poster Abstracts Reminder

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts Poster presentations for the 19th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held in San Diego, CA from June 13-16, 2015. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of health care education.

All Poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site

Please click here to submit your abstract.

Submission deadline is December 15, 2014. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned by March 1, 2015.

Thank you,

Jonathan Wisco,
2015 IAMSE Program Chair

Thursday, October 16, 2014

IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant

IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant


The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) wishes to encourage and support scholarship in medical science education and will provide a research grant each year for up to $3000.

Preference will be given to new projects. Funding is for a 2-year period. Mid-year progress reports will be submitted to the IAMSE Educational Scholarship Committee. The results of funded projects will be presented at an IAMSE meeting. Any publications resulting from IAMSE-funded research have to be acknowledged on the publication. If the research project involves human subjects, a letter of approval from the host Institutional Review Board stating that the project is approved or that approval was not necessary will be required prior to disbursement of funds.


IAMSE members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. Members may submit only one proposal per year and may not be an author on any other grants currently receiving IAMSE funding. PI’s who have received IAMSE funding are not eligible to apply in subsequent years.

Application Format and Submission Process:

1. Applications are to be submitted via email, in duplicate, to the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) ( and to the Educational Scholarship Committee ( by January 16, 2015.

2. Cover page to include:
  • Name of applicant(s) and institution affiliation(s)
  • Project title
  • Contact information for principal investigator, to include address, email, telephone, fax)
  • Institutional grant/development officer to whom payment will be made (name, title, address, email, phone, fax)

3. Proposals are limited to 5 double-spaced pages, excluding budget, budget justification,      biographical sketches; references; and letters of support.

4. Format for Submissions

I. Main Proposal (5 double-spaced pages, 12 point type)
  • Introduction/Background: Statement of problem and importance of proposed project/significance of need. Include the specific aim of the project.
  • Goals and Objectives
  • Methods:  Identify the target population and provide information on how many people will be impacted by this proposal. Describe the proposed activities and timeline.
  • Evaluation:  Identify outcome measures and assessment strategies. Describe how you will decide if this program/project is effective.
  • Potential Impact on medical science education.
  • Project Timeline (not to exceed 24 months).

II. Budget and Justification (1 page):  Include itemized costs and justification.

III. Biographical Sketches of PI and Co-PIs (no more than 2 pages for each individual). Include relevant skills that demonstrate knowledge/skill in the area being proposed for study.

IV. Letters of Support: 2-3 are required from key participants or institutional support personnel, stating their commitment to the project. Letters of support are to be submitted in PDF format with the proposal.

V. Plan for Dissemination: Include a statement of your intent to present your   work at an IAMSE Meeting within 3 years of the award start date.

Review Process:

  1. Grants must be received by January 16, 2015 to be considered for review and possible funding.
  2. The Educational Scholarship Committee will review the grant submissions, make a final decision, and present the grant awardee to the IAMSE Executive Board. Reviewers may not be authors of the proposals under consideration.
  3. Funding awards will be announced via email, and at the 2015 IAMSE meeting.

Evaluation Criteria:    

Grant applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
  1. The project is relevant to the mission of IAMSE.
  2. The project includes a clear statement of project goals and objectives.
  3. Identified need.
  4. Methods are appropriate to address the goals and objectives.
  5. The outcomes are measurable.
  6. The outcomes are likely to be applicable to others.
  7. The project is feasible given the budget and resources.
  8. The timeline is realistic.
  9. The budget is appropriate for the project.
  10. The project is sustainable after the 2-year funding. (If funds are used to support faculty/staff, include a statement on sustainability of these resources after funding ends.)

Required Reports for Funded Projects: The Principal Investigator will be required to submit midyear reports (January and June) to the Educational Scholarship Committee, and a final report within 3 months of the end of the 2-year grant funding.

All inquiries and communications should be addressed to:

Linda Fouch (, International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
Norma Saks (, Educational Scholarship Committee, IAMSE