Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Did you know? IAMSE Web Seminars

medical science educators

Medical Science Educators
Did you know?  IAMSE Web Seminars IAMSE

Dear Colleagues
The 2012 Winter Webcast Audio Seminar Series “Interprofessional Education in the Health Sciences” will begin on January 12, 2012.
Did you know?
  • that we have over 250 international participants per session?
  • that an institutional registration will allow you to attend the sessions with a group of people in a conference room?
  • that if the sessions are offered at an inconvenient time, you can always register and use our archives for re-broadcast at your convenience?
  • that in January we will send you suggestions on how to create a small group learning opportunity immediately after the broadcast?
 So now will you join us for our upcoming series?
For more information as well as registration information, please go to: http://iamse.org/development/2012/was_2012_winter.htm
Website: www.iamse.org Email: support@iamse.org

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

IAMSE Office Has Moved! New Address & Telephone Number

medical science educators

Medical Science Educators
The IAMSE Office has Moved! IAMSE

Please take a moment to update your address books as the
IAMSE Office has moved!

New Address:

c/o JulNet Solutions, LLC
3327B US Route 60 East
Huntington, WV 25705

New Telephone:
+1 (304) 522-1270

Monday, November 28, 2011

Election of New IAMSE Board Officers

Dear IAMSE Members:

I hope your holiday season is off to a good start. We are blessed at IAMSE to have a fine group of leaders who are willing to donate their time and energy to move our organization forward. After an open nominations process, our Board of Directors has elected new officers for two year terms, beginning January 2012. They all bring a wealth of experience as Board members and committee chairs. Please support our new leadership as they continue to help IAMSE’s fostering excellence to the teaching of sciences basic to the health professions.

I would like to thank the exiting Executive Committee for its exemplary leadership and vision during the past two years. In particular, I would like to thank Pat Finnerty, whose guidance as Past President has been invaluable, and to Kitty McMahon, who is retiring after a distinguished career as a medical educator next year. You will be missed, but we will look forward to benefiting from your wisdom and educational excellence in the future!

Please make sure to sign up for the upcoming Jan-Feb Webinar on Interprofessional Education, and plan to attend the annual meeting in beautiful Portland Oregon in June 23-26, 2012.

New IAMSE officers

President—Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio USA
Vice President—Bruce Newton, University of Arkansas, Little Rock Arkansas, USA
Secretary—John Szarek, The Commonwealth Medical College, Scranton PA, USA
Treasurer—Veronica Michaelsen, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA

Frazier Stevenson, M.D.
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
University of South Florida College of Medicine
President, International Assn. of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Input Needed from the Development Committee

Dear IAMSE Members,

Peter de Jong and Julie Tebo are the new co-chairs of the IAMSE Development committee. In addition to the success of the silent auction held at the IAMSE annual meetings, we are looking for additional suggestions for the committee to raise funds for matters like student scholarships to the annual meeting. Maybe you know interesting examples of fundraising ideas from your own institution. Please send any ideas you have to Julie (teboj@ccf.org) or Peter (p.g.m.de_jong@lumc.nl) by October 21 for consideration. Thank you for your input.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mark your Calendars! Upcoming IAMSE Web Seminars

All sessions will be at noon eastern.

Interprofessional Education
 Thursdays January 12, 19, 26, Feb 2, 9, 16

Promise and Challenges of Virtual Learning Environments
Tuesdays March 6, 13, 20, April 3, April 10, April 17

Times They are Changing: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education

Thursdays September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 4, 11

Follow details at http://www.iamse.org

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

IAMSE - Call for Officer Nominations

With the recent revisions to the IAMSE By-laws, the Officers of the Association can be drawn from the membership at large as well as from the Board members. As such, we are issuing this call for nominations for the Officer positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers must be current IAMSE members in good standing. The duties of the officers and the board can be reviewed at (http://www.iamse.org/bylaws.htm).

If you wish to nominate yourself or an IAMSE colleague, please send a letter of interest to Pat Finnerty (Officer Nominations Committee, edward.finnerty@dmu.edu) no later than Friday, October 7, 2011.

This letter should include the following information:

1. Position of interest.
2. Short biographical sketch.
3. Description of your involvement with IAMSE.
4. Identification of the qualities and expertise you bring to the office.
5. Description of your goals for IAMSE over the next two (2) years.

If you wish to nominate an IAMSE colleague, please contact them and have them submit the materials directly to Pat Finnerty (edward.finnerty@dmu.edu ).

As per the By-laws, the Officer Nominating Committee (Giulia Bonaminio, Joe Stein and Pat Finnerty) will review the nominations and prepare a list of nominees for each position by November 1 for review and election by the members of the Board of Directors.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

IAMSE Web Seminar - September 1st

Join us on September 1st - 12:00 - 1:00 pm ET

1910 and 2010: What's with these Carnegie reports on medical education?

Presenter: David Irby

Twice over the past one hundred years The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has called for the reform of medical education. In 1910, Abraham Flexner stressed the importance of scientific research and educational excellence in the training of physicians, which resulted in a transformation of medical education. In 2010, the Carnegie Foundation called for actions that will transform medical education again: standardization of learning outcomes and individualization of learning processes; integration of formal knowledge and clinical experience; development of habits of inquiry and improvement; and explicit attention to the formation of professional identity (Cooke M, Irby DM, O'Brien BC. Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical school and Residency). In this webcast. Dr. Irby will describe the Flexnerian legacy and the key recommendations of the report. Subsequent webcasts will deal with the report's major themes separately.

For More information & Registration:


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Registration Now Open! IAMSE Fall Web Seminar Series

Please join us for the upcoming IAMSE web seminar series ...

The Second Flexnerian Report: Implications, Applications and Expectations

Not in the century since Flexner's epic report that reformed medical education, has there been such change in the training of physicians. The Carnegie Foundation again commissioned a blueprint to improve the education of physicians for our times holding a promise to reshape the future for decades to come. It has the promise to also impact medical education for decades to come. To paraphrase the four main findings of the report, the I's have it: 1) individualize the path to standardized learning outcomes; 2) integrate and collaborate in learning; 3) inquiry and improvements should become habits; and 4) identity formation of the physician as a professional should be strengthened. We are privileged to have authors of this report and leaders in medical education present their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges facing changes in contemporary medical education.

Sept 1
1:00 pm ET
1910 and 2010: What's with these Carnegie reports on medical education?
David Irby
Sept 8
1:00 pm ET
Integration and Inquiry, Innovation and Improvement
Bridget O'Brien
Sept 15
1:00 pm ET
Catherine Lucey
Sept 22
1:00 pm ET
Instituting and Using a Holistic Admissions Process
Marlene Ballejos
Sept 29
1:00 pm ET
Professional Identity Formation 
Kelley Skeff

For more information and registration details please go to:


Monday, May 9, 2011

IAMSE Board of Director Election Results

Dear IAMSE Members:

I am excited to announce the election of four new Board members as a result of the recent elections. Each will fill a three year term, beginning on June 1.

Michael Lumpkin, Georgetown University USA
Luke Mortensen, Des Moines University USA
Joe Stein, Upstate Medical University USA
Richard Vari, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine USA

In addition, Vaughan Kippers, from University of Queensland, Australia was recently named to the Board to fill a vacancy. Please join me in congratulating our new members as they continue our recent Board’s fine efforts to make IAMSE the preeminent international venue for faculty development in health sciences education.

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meeting in St Petersburg, Florida in June. It’s not too late to register and contribute to what will be an exciting and dynamic meeting.

Frazier Stevenson, MD
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
Professor of Medicine
University of South Florida College of Medicine

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

IAMSE WAS - Use of Simulations and Simulators in Medical Training

Use of Simulations and Simulators in Medical Training

Presenters: Sheila Chauvin & John Szarek

Over the past few years simulation and simulator technology has experienced an exponential growth worldwide. Until recently, simulation, especially using human patient simulators, has been the provenance of clinical educators in the education of students in their clinical years. Simulation is becoming increasingly common in the pre-clinical years. In addition to using simulation early in medical school training for clinical procedures and skills, it is increasingly being used to support teaching and learning the basic sciences. Based on the results of a recent national survey of allopathic and osteopathic medical schools, we will discuss the current state of basic science education and the use of human patient simulators to enhance students' learning. We will describe how the use of human patient simulators has been implemented in medical school preclinical curricula including barriers encountered and strategies for dealing with them. The session will include specific curricular examples and a discussion of the educational benefits of using human patient simulators in basic science education.

For additional information and registration please visit the website:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

IAMSE Connects Needs your Input!

Dear IAMSE Member,

The next issue of the electronic membership newsletter of the International Association of Medical Science Educators … IAMSE Connects … will be issued in April of 2011. The purpose of this newsletter is to connect the IAMSE membership with information, opportunities, resources and each other. We are very pleased to dedicate one section of this newsletter to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members but we need your help! Have you received awards or promotions or landed a great new job in the last year? We would like to know about it and celebrate your accomplishments in our newsletter. Please send your news to Julie@iamse.org by April 1, 2011 for inclusion in the April 2011 edition. Sorry, we can only include professional accomplishments in the newsletter, but welcome you to share your personal news on the IAMSE Facebook page!

Thanks for your help!

Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Ph.D.
Chair, IAMSE Membership Committee
Vice President, IAMSE Board of Directors

Thursday, March 10, 2011

IAMSE Web Seminar - Engaging Students with Classroom Technologies

Please join us for the next IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar:

Engaging Students with Classroom Technologies
Presenter: Peter de Jong

Technology first entered the classroom many years ago. Nowadays, almost every lecture hall and small group classroom is fully equipped with computer and projector. Blackboards have been replaced with interactive whiteboards which opened new ways to use multimedia and the internet as part of teaching.

At the moment, one very well known classroom technology is the use of wireless voting systems. These Audience Response Systems (ARS) are rapidly being introduced in the daily practice of higher education. Software is available and seemingly easy to use. In practice however, many presenters do not use the technique properly and do not make optimal use of the Audience Response system. As a result, the didactical advantages of the technique are often not utilized. This lecture will focus in on didactical issues of using ARS in teaching. Principles of ARS will be discussed and good practices in medical education will be shown.
A second technique that will be discussed is the use of MP3 devices to individually instruct students with an audio tour. The audio can be enriched with pictures, short movies or animations if the devices allow that to be played. This technology is used for example for guiding students through a medial museum without the need of a teacher being present.

Session Date: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 12:00 noon ET

For additional details and registration -

Board of Director Slate Posted

Dear Members of IAMSE,

I am pleased to present the Nominating Committee's slate of candidates for the 2011 election of members for the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). In accordance with our bylaws, the committee has delivered these names and supporting materials for posting to our website. I now invite you to review the individuals and their qualifications at http://www.iamse.org/boardcandidates_2011.htm

This information will remain posted throughout the month of March, and on April 1st an electronic ballot will be activated. At that time, IAMSE members in good standing will be invited to select four (4) of the candidates for the position of Director.

Write-in candidates will be accepted per the IAMSE Bylaws until March 20, 2011. To qualify for nomination by petition, each candidate must have the support of at least 15 IAMSE members in good standing. All petitions and letters must be addressed to and received by the Association Manager on or before midnight Eastern Time (GMT-5) of March 20.

Julie K. Hewett, CMP
IAMSE Association Manager

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Call for Volunteers - 2012 Annual Meeting

Dear IAMSE Members,

The time has come to begin planning the 2012 Annual IAMSE Meeting. The first step in the process is to form the Program and Review Committees.

We are seeking broad representation for this committee, including representatives foreign and domestic, MD/DO/ DVM/ DDS and Ph.D., basic and clinical science, professional educators and instructional technologists. The role of the Program Committee is to set the program, select speakers, and perform various other tasks central to program planning. The Review Committee will oversee the abstract review and selection process. Your availability for a one-hour monthly phone meeting and ready accessibility by email from March 2011 through the program in June 2012 is expected, in addition to great ideas and a collegial spirit! The names of participating members will be mentioned in the conference program.

If you would like to be considered for a position on this Committee please send a brief statement of your interest and qualifications to julie@iamse.org by Febuary 15. We would like to complete selections ASAP so we begin our meetings by phone in March 2011

We hope that you will consider becoming involved in this important and collegial work.

For additional information or questions please contact julie@iamse.org

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is an IAMSE Meeting?

The annual meeting for the International Association for Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is different than other meetings you attend as it focuses on YOU the educator! This is not just another education meeting; it is a meeting where you as an educator can network with colleagues from around the world who share your passions, concerns and ideas.

While attending the IAMSE meeting you might experience:

  • A Focus Session - a 60 or 90-minute session that is intended to “focus in” on a specific topic in small group discussion format. Groups of 10-50 individuals consider a particular topic with the aim of reaching consensus or general recommendation. Formats can be variable. For instance, the Session Leader may arrange for the pros and cons of a particular issue to be presented by a mini-panel discussion. Alternately, the group may be subdivided and certain tasks assigned to be developed for summary during the last 20-minutes of the session. Discussion and consensus/resolution is the goal, so not more than one-third of the time is to be used for formal presentation.
  • A Workshop - workshops are sessions less than three (3) hours in length with mainly “hands-on” opportunities for participants.
  • An Oral Presentation - Authors of submitted poster abstracts can be invited to present their research in an oral presentation, or presenters can be invited directly by the Program Committee. Oral presentations are 15 or 20 minutes in duration including 5 minutes for discussion with the audience.
As well as:
  • Poster Sessions
  • Plenary Talks
  • Panel Discussions
  • Roundtable Discussions
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues
  • A gala dinner (included with registration!)

The 2011 Program Committee has been working for over a year to develop the program that will be presented in St. Petersburg this June. Take a moment to review the many different sessions scheduled at http://www.iamseconference.org

Registration and hotel information can also be found at the website.

As a reminder! The Call For Abstracts is currently open – deadline for submission is: March 1, 2010

Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Ph.D.
2011 IAMSE Program Chair

Monday, January 24, 2011

IAMSE WAS - Educating Physician Thought Leaders at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

Educating Physician Thought Leaders at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

Speaker: Richard C. Vari, Ph.D.

In this session we will discuss the medical education curriculum at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine that focuses on providing medical students an educational experience grounded in inquiry, research, and discovery. Through a unique partnership between Virginia Tech University and Carilion Clinic a private medical school was created to produce physicians who will possess the knowledge, skills and attitudes to become leaders in health care delivery. Beginning with a small class size of 42 students, carefully selected using a holistic interview process which includes the Multiple Mini-Interview, the program is designed to integrate four educational Value Domains across the four years of medical school: Basic Sciences, taught using a PBL-Hybrid model during the first two years, Clinical Sciences and Skills, Research, and Interprofessionalism. Students are required to complete a hypothesis-driven research project before graduation. In addition, a longitudinal interprofessional healthcare education program places medical students in various learning environments with nursing, physician assistant, and other allied health students. Our goal is to produce physicians with outstanding clinical skills and significantly enhanced research capabilities who will remain life-long learners. Moreover, they will have an understanding of the importance of interprofessionalism in order to enable them to more effectively function as part of a modern healthcare team.

For more information or to register:


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Call for Nominations - IAMSE Master Teacher & Master Scholar Awards

Dear IAMSE Member:

At the 2007 annual meeting, IAMSE issued its first Master Teacher Award and Medical Education Scholarship Award. We would now like your nominees for the 2011 awards, which will be presented at the annual meeting in St. Petersburg.

The Master Teacher Award honors an IAMSE member who, over the course of many years, has consistently demonstrated extraordinary excellence in teaching, both at his/her institution and within IAMSE. Any teaching can be recognized, but nominations of members who have been active teachers at the annual IAMSE meetings or web seminars are particularly encouraged.

The Medical Education Scholarship Award recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and/or dissemination of excellent and scholarly approaches to teaching and education. This could include development of multimedia medical educational programs, research in the areas of curriculum design and evaluation, student assessment, or innovative programs and methods.

These awards may be self-nominated, or by an IAMSE colleague. Details regarding each award, required materials, and deadlines are found in the download listed below. All nomination/application packets must be received by Julie Hewett (julie@iamse.org) no later than February 20, 2011. Nominations/applications for both awards will be reviewed by the Awards Committee in the Spring of 2011. Both awards will be given at the 2011 annual meeting in St. Petersburg.

Please review the attached criteria for submission.

Thank you,
Joseph P. Stein, PhD
Chair, Awards Committee

Susan Pasquale, PhD, MT-BC, NMT
Chair, Educational Scholarship Committee

Call for Nominations - IAMSE Board of Directors

Dear Members of IAMSE,

It's time once again to begin thinking about selection of those to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). This is the governing body that determines the direction of IAMSE and all our various programs and activities. Each spring five of the Director positions become subject to election.

This message is a call to our membership for those who wish to be considered by the Nominating Committee as potential candidates. The formal "job descriptions" for IAMSE Director and Officers are posted at http://www.iamse.org/position_descrip.htm
The position of Board Member is an important responsibility. During the 3-year term of service, each is expected to be an advocate for the organization and to bring fresh ideas to IAMSE. In addition, each Director will be in charge of an IAMSE-sponsored project.

Board meetings are held via conference call every two months, and additional business may be conducted through e-mail.

If this opportunity to expand your influence in medical education while advancing the work of IAMSE fits your personal career goals, then I invite you to submit your nomination for "Board of Director.” To submit your self-nomination, please write a paragraph limited to 300 words, that includes a response to the following three questions:

* Your teaching activities over the last five years
* Your involvement in IAMSE activities since the first meeting in 1993
* Why you wish to be a Board member or Officer, or your goals for the organization

If you wish to nominate another individual, please submit their name, contact information and a statement as to why you feel they should be nominated.
Deadline for submission: February 15, 2011

Please submit these materials to: Julie@iamse.org

Thomas J. Schmidt, Chair
IAMSE Nominating Committee

Monday, January 17, 2011

Registration Now Open for the January 25th IAMSE Web Seminar

Annoucing Next Week's Web Audio Seminar!

Curriculum Integration and Student-Centered Learning at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Speakers: Robert Noiva, Ph.D. and Angela Nuzzarello, M.D., MPHE

In this session, we will discuss some of the innovative instructional and support programs of the OUWB School of Medicine. Our curriculum utilizes an organ systems-based approach to instruction during the M1 and M2 years, employing weekly integrative team-based learning sessions to encourage small student groups to apply recently acquired knowledge to solve relevant clinical problems. Basic science content will be reinforced in the M3 and M4 years using weekly small group cased-based sessions highlighting clerkship-specific basic science concepts. The OUWB curriculum also features a four-year capstone project for all students, encouraging students to pursue independent activity in bench, clinical or translational research, as well as education-related or service-related activities. This capstone program allows students to pursue their passion in a mentored environment, while producing scholarly work of scientific or social importance. Recognizing that the path to becoming a physician is enhanced through guidance and mentoring, OUWB has also established the PRISM program (Promoting Reflection and Individual growth through Support and Mentoring), providing students with a multi-layered system of support that begins the first day of medical school and continues to graduation.

For additional information and registration details:


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Last issue of JIAMSE - Special Flexner Issue

To all IAMSE members,

I write today to remind you to make sure to take a look at the most recent issue of the Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators, JIAMSE, accessible, of course, at www.iamse.org. Normally, the Publications Committee tries to guide you to the journal every month by providing you with a short review of one or two articles in a recent issue. This time, I enthusiastically recommend you read the whole issue. This issue marks ends and beginnings; it is historical in its significance! As you should know by now, it represents the last issue of JIAMSE, which will be replaced by Medical Science Educator, MSE, beginning with the next edition. It seems entirely fitting that the last issue is the “Flexner Issue” and every article commemorates the centennial of the seminal Flexner Report, a centennial which has also now just ended. Many would say that with its end, changes in medical education already begun will accelerate, perhaps spearheaded by the release of what has been called the new Flexner Report, Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, as was the Flexner Report, and authored by Molly Cooke, David Irby and Bridget O’Brien.

The JIAMSE “Flexner Issue” was guest edited by Pat Finnerty, Past President of IAMSE, and is dedicated to former JIAMSE editor-in chief Uldis Streips, a Louisville man like Flexner and a great Flexner acolyte; former production editor Marshall Anderson and the Editorial Board of JIAMSE. The articles invited for this issue offer insights from the perspective of the Flexner Report on the teaching of each of the major disciplines considered to be the foundational sciences for the study of medicine. There are also some articles that provide viewpoints about the teaching of the foundational sciences in medical schools outside the United States and Canada. The whole issue is a great read and really summarizes a great deal about the teaching of the sciences basic to medicine historically up to the present time.

Dani L. McBeth, Ph.D.
Chair, Publications Committee

Monday, January 3, 2011

Registration Now Open for the January 18th IAMSE Web Seminar

Dear Colleagues ...

Join us for the next IAMSE Web Audio Seminar:

Speakers: Dennis Baker, Ph.D. and Mary Johnson, Ph.D.

The Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU CoM), founded in 2000, was established through a legislative mandate to educate physicians responsive to community needs and who provide patient-centered care to elder, minority, and underserved populations in Florida. FSU CoM is the oldest of the 'new medical schools.' Our clinical curriculum is delivered in the context of a community-based distributed campus model at six regional campuses spread across the entire geographic span of Florida. All clinical teaching is conducted by community-based physicians, with 70% of that training occurring in the ambulatory setting. Connecting year 1 and 2 basic science and clinical faculty to year 3 and 4 community-based clerkship directors to create a 'continuous educational experience' for students is challenging but very necessary. In this presentation we will share strategies we have employed to promote the exchange of information between regional campus clerkship directors and year 1-2 basic science course directors. Additionally we will describe collaborative strategies our central campus faculty has utilized to create year 1 and 2 courses with a strong clinical emphasis by incorporating input from regional campus clerkship directors. One successful approach was sharing specific objectives from courses and clerkships using the ACGME competency domains as a focal point.

For more information about this session or any upcoming sessions please go to: