Wednesday, December 31, 2008

AMSA's National Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence

AMSA's National Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence

Deadline: Extended through January 5, 2009!!

Medical school professors have a significant impact on your education.
The AMSA National Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence recognizes the contributions of your outstanding medical school professors.

The award will be presented at AMSA's 59th Annual Convention in Arlington, Virginia. Apply online at: The nominating student will receive coach airfare to AMSA's convention and free convention registration. The professor will receive one night hotel accommodation, coach airfare, and a waived registration fee.

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Monday, December 29, 2008

AACOM Medical Education Mini-Research Grants 2009 RFP

AACOM Medical Education Mini-Research Grants
2008-09 Request for Proposals


To support medical education research mini-grants in one of three areas described below. While collaborative, multi-institution research studies are most appropriate for these question areas, this mini-grant could support a pilot study or serve as the basis for seeking matching funds at individual institutions.

(1) Identification of best practices in the teaching/learning and assessment of the seven core competencies.

(2) Integration of real-world experiences into training for the core competencies.

(3) Identification of the unique benefits of osteopathic medical education.

2009 Deadlines

Proposals due: 4:00 pm (EST), DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JANUARY 9, 2009

Notification of outcome: February 10, 2009

Note: Each grant will be for a period of one year and will not be renewable.


Proposal must be submitted as an electronic Word (or PDF) document – no longer than three to five pages, with margins of at least 1” on all sides. The text portion of the application materials must be in 12 point, Times New Roman font, with 1.0 line spacing. This document and the relevant support letters will be uploaded into the Proposal Form below.


Applicants must be educators at Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, including their OPTI programs.

Proposal Document

Proposals must include:

A. Proposal narrative for research proposals (three to five pages maximum, not including literature cited or biographical sketch):

a. Specific research aims

b. Background and significance

c. Research design and methods

d. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-delimited) objectives

e. Plan for ‘publication’ of results

f. Sustainability

g. Literature cited

h. Relevant professional background of principal investigator(s).

B. Budget – 2009 mini-research grants will be supported to the maximum amount of $5000.00.

Provide a budget justification detailing each budget line item. Include only direct costs related to the research project. Not allowable are capital expenditures, rent/utilities or any other indirect costs.

Support Documents

1. Letter(s) of commitment from department chair(s) (and external collaborator(s) if relevant)
2. Institutional IRB support document or waiver
3. Approval by college or hospital research office

Funding Information

Proposals will be reviewed by an Osteopathic Medical Education Research Institute review panel. Notification of the review outcome will be made by February 10, 2009.

Priority will be given to projects that provide the potential for inter-institutional collaboration. Proposals with specific, feasible strategies for continuing or sustaining the project/activity beyond the grant period will also be given preference

Submit a Proposal Now! On this form please zip or scan all component documents into ONE single document which contains both your Proposal Document, including narrative and budget, and the three required support documents.

Friday, December 19, 2008

First International Conference on Virtual Patients

The first International Conference on Virtual Patients will take place
June 5-6, 2009 in Krakow, Poland. The aim of the conference is to
promote usage of virtual patients in medical curricula. The conference
is open for participants with considerable experience in the field of
virtual patients as well as for those who just started considering
including problem-based learning tools at their schools. All submitted
papers are peer-reviewed. The deadline for submissions is December 31,
2008. For more information, see:

Valerie Smothers
Deputy Director
tel: 410-385-2367 x131
fax: 410-385-6055